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Create to Elevate – Empowering Nigerian Innovators

Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
Current $0.00
Target $15,000,000.00
Backers 0
8 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


"Please note: If you're donating from Nigeria, kindly make payments to the provided account number. It may take 48-72 hours for your contribution to reflect on the campaign goal."


Ifeoma Nwankwo

What if the next great filmmaker, artist, or designer is waiting in Nigeria, but lacks the resources to bring their vision to life?

In the creative hub of Lagos, there’s a young filmmaker named Uche who dreams of telling stories that will inspire the world. However, the cost of equipment, production, and distribution has kept Uche from realizing her vision. Despite her talent and passion, Uche’s films remain unwatched, her stories untold.

Today, Uche continues to write scripts and dream of the day her films will be seen by audiences around the world. But without the resources to bring her ideas to life, her creativity is stifled. Nigeria is full of talented creatives like Uche, but without support, their potential remains unrealised.


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